Michigan Tax ID (EIN) Number Application Manual

Does your business need a tax ID number in Michigan? How can you know for sure? Whether you have a partnership, sole proprietorship, limited liability (LLC), nonprofit, or another type of organization, there’s a good chance you’ll need to have a tax ID number (EIN) in place before you can operate legally and these legal standards are similar to those applying for a Hawaii tax id or an Ohio tax id. Understanding these requirements and knowing the fastest way to get a tax ID number can help you significantly in starting your business. This guide will teach you everything you need to know to apply online.

Apply Online by Choosing Your Entity Type

Steps to Obtain a Tax ID (EIN) Number in Michigan :

  1. Gather Business Information for Your Tax ID
  2. Apply for a Michigan Tax ID Online
  3. Apply for a Michigan Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax
  4. The Tax ID Number Application Process for Businesses
  5. Are State Tax ID Numbers and Federal EIN the Same Thing?
  6. Michigan State Tax ID Number: What It Is and How to Get One

1. Gather Business Information for Your Tax ID

Every tax ID number application method is going to follow the same basic formula. You’ll answer several questions about your business, including its founding members, to register your business with the government. It’s helpful to have this information going into the IRS Tax ID application, since you’ll answer the same questions no matter what method you use.

For starters, you’ll need to collect the legal addresses and full legal names of all your founding members (i.e., you and your business partners). You’ll need to provide social security numbers (SSNs) for these people as well.

2. Apply for a Michigan Tax ID Online

If you’re looking for the fastest and most efficient way to get your tax ID number, there’s only one method that’s going to cut it: applying online. While there are several traditional methods you can choose from, the online application is strictly better in every way.

For starters, you can apply online easily. You can access the online application any day, and at any time, if you have a device with an internet connection. The form itself is easy to understand, and even easier to navigate. If you already have the key pieces of information on your business partners, you’ll be able to finish the application in just 5 minutes.

Then, you’ll get to experience the biggest advantage of applying online. Most people who follow this method receive a tax ID number within an hour of submitting the application. Ordinarily, traditional methods take 4 to 6 weeks to process.

3. Apply for a Michigan Tax ID by Phone, Mail or Fax

If you don’t mind waiting several weeks to get your tax ID, you could also choose to pursue a traditional method of application. For example, you could find and complete a paper application. When done, you can mail it or fax it to the proper authorities. You could also answer the application questions over the phone, speaking in an interview with a live representative. These methods are much more time consuming and tend to be less convenient, since they depend on so many more variables. However, they’re still available as alternatives to the fast-turnaround online application. If you use these methods, prepare to wait 4 to 6 weeks before you get your tax ID number.

4. The Tax ID Number Application Process for Businesses

Businesses should be aware of the high-level process necessary to get your tax ID number. Though there are several application methods available, they all follow the same basic formula. First, you’ll need to fill out an application; no matter what, this application will prompt you to answer the same basic questions about your business and its founding members (including founding member names, addresses, and social security numbers).

Submitting this application is a way of registering your business with the federal government. When you do this, you’ll generally receive your business’s tax ID without issue. However, the time it takes to get your tax ID will vary depending on the method you use. For example, if you use a traditional method for your business, like applying via mail, fax, or over the phone, you can expect to wait 4 to 6 weeks to get your tax ID number by mail. If you use the online application, you’ll be able to submit the application in 5 minutes, and get your tax ID number via email in an hour or less.

5. Are State Tax ID Numbers and Federal EIN the Same Thing?

You might be confused about whether state tax ID numbers and federal tax ID numbers are the same thing. The short answer is no, these are different numbers, though they share some similarities. A tax ID usually refers to a federal tax ID number, which is also called an employer identification number, or EIN. This is a 9-digit number assigned to your business when you register with the federal government. You’ll need one if you’re going to open a business bank account, apply for a business loan, or open a line of credit. You will need a federal tax ID to hire employees, and you’ll need one to apply for most business licenses and permits.

Your Michigan state tax ID number applies at the state level, and you’ll get it when you register with the state government of Michigan. You’ll need this number if you hire employees in the state of Michigan, if you’re selling taxable goods and services in the state, or if you’re going to sell regulated goods like alcohol (which require excise taxes). Most businesses in Michigan will need both a federal tax ID number and a Michigan state tax ID number.

6. Michigan State Tax ID Number: What It Is and How to Get One

Your Michigan state tax ID number is assigned to your business when you register with the state government of Michigan. It’s necessary to hire Michigan employees, sell taxable goods and services in Michigan, or sell regulated goods like alcohol or tobacco in the state.

You’ll need a federal tax ID number to apply for your Michigan state tax ID number. Fortunately, you can get this in less than an hour by applying for your tax ID online. Once you have it, you can apply for your Michigan state tax ID number online or with a traditional application. Again, the best method is to apply online. If you follow this process, you should be able to finish the application quickly and receive your state tax ID in 4 to 6 weeks.

Written by Maurice Mallory