Apply for IRS Tax ID (EIN) Number

[tabby title=”Apply for a Tax ID”]

Obtain your Federal EIN (FEIN) by selecting the appropriate entity or business type from the list below. Once your application has been submitted our agents will begin on your behalf to file your application and obtain your Federal EIN (FEIN). After your Federal EIN (FEIN) is obtained it will be sent to you via e-mail and will be available for immediate use.

[tabby title=”What is a Tax ID?”]

A Federal EIN (FEIN) Number is a unique, nine-digit ID assigned by the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes for businesses as well as Non-Profit organizations, Trusts and Estates. The Federal EIN (FEIN) serves as a way to easily identify the entity similar to how a Social Security Number is used to uniquely identify individuals. While it is referred sometimes as an Employer ID Number the EIN is used by businesses and other entities to identify the tax accounts of both employers as well as other entities that have no employees.
[tabby title=”Who Needs a Tax ID?”]You will need a Federal EIN (FEIN) if you:

  • Have employees
  • Operate your business as a Corporation or Partnership
  • Operate as Trust, Estate or Non-Profit Organization
  • File Tax Returns for Employment, Excise or Alcohol, Tabacco and Firearms
[tabby title=”Service Benefits”]

Our Federal EIN (FEIN) Application Service includes:

  • Professional review of your application for omissions and errors
  • A simplified one page web form to save time
  • 24×7 Application Availability
  • SS-4 Application preparation and submission