Frequently Asked

179 ITNS FAQ ENTITY NPO Does a Government Federal Military need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Government, Federal/MiliLIVEtary need a Tax ID (EIN)?

8/16/2022Though government entities may be exempt from many things, government entities (such as military entities) still do need to have federal tax IDs. Federal tax IDs identify a governmental (or other) organization, in terms of payroll taxes, employee hiring, banks, and more. Government entities generally act as companies, with similar organizational structures. They will need […]

177 ITNS FAQ ENTITY NPO Does a Government State Local need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Government, State/Local need a Tax ID (EIN)?

Exactly how are government (federal, state, and local) entities formed? Government entities are formed like any other legal entity: They are an organization, much like a business. And as an organization, they need a tax ID (also known as an Employer Identification Number). Government entities will still need to open business bank accounts, hire employees, […]

176 ITNS FAQ ENTITY NPO Does a Farmers Cooperative need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Farmers’ Cooperative need a Tax ID (EIN)?

A farmers’ cooperative is a unique form of agricultural group, designed to keep farmers safer and more stable through cooperation. Because a farmers’ cooperative means that many distinct entities and individuals are required to work together, it has to be formed as an official business entity. Most farmers’ cooperatives are non-profit organizations, which only serve to enrich […]

174 ITNS FAQ ENTITY NPO Does a Government Indian Tribal Governments need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Government, Indian Tribal Governments need a Tax ID (EIN)?

Tribal governments are governments that have standing agreements with the United States on a federal level. They are their own independent entities, and they are not required to have a Tax ID/EIN. They do not need to pay excise taxes the way that US companies would need to, and consequently they don’t need to file US […]

173 ITN FAQ ENTITY NPO Does an Employer Plan 401K Money Purchase Plan etc need a Tax ID EIN

Does an Employer Plan (401K, Money Purchase Plan, etc.) need a Tax ID (EIN)?

Employer plans, such as 401ks, require their own EIN.  Usually the plan administrator will setup this EIN when the plan itself is developed. Employer retirement plans can vary, from money purchase plans to defined benefit pension plans. Regardless, they are going to be a separate entity from the taxpayer, even if the retirement plan is […]

170 ITNS FAQ ENTITY NPO Does a Homeowners Condo Association need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Homeowners/Condo Association need a Tax ID (EIN)?

As a homeowners/condo association will be collecting dues from members for common expenses, it will need to have a tax ID number. A homeowners/condo association is generally incorporated as some type of business or LLC. Even though it may operate on a non-profit basis, it will be collecting money, performing fundraising, hiring employees, opening business bank […]

169 ITNS FAQ ENTITY TRUS Does a Charitable Remainder Unitrust need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Charitable Remainder Unitrust need a Tax ID (EIN)?

A charitable remainder trust is a type of irrevocable trust, and consequently it does need a tax ID/employer identification number. When forming a CRU, a donor will place assets inside of a trust. For the duration of the CRU, money will go to the donor and their family. But anything that is gained within the […]

168 ITNS FAQ ENTITY SOLE How to Open a Bank Account for a Sole Proprietorship

How to Open a Bank Account for a Sole Proprietorship

Technically, a sole proprietor isn’t required to have another bank account. They can do everything under their personal bank account because there is nothing distinguishing themselves from their business. But it’s considered generally good practice for a sole proprietor to have a business bank account, if only to ensure that they are managing their books correctly. […]

166 ITNS FAQ ENTITY NPO Does a Withholding Agent need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Withholding Agent need a Tax ID (EIN)?

A withholding agent needs to understand the difference between EINs, SSNs, and ITINs thoroughly. Withholding agents are responsible for sending in withholding on behalf of an employee being paid. Often, they are third-party intermediaries between employees and companies. The agent themselves will need to have their own tax ID/EIN; many agents are payroll services that […]

165 ITNS FAQ ENTITY TRUST Does a Custodianship need a Tax ID EIN

Does a Custodianship need a Tax ID (EIN)?

A custodianship arises when a third party, usually a large financial firm, becomes in charge of another individual’s assets, usually for the purposes of investment. For some investments, the custodianship accounts may remain under the individual’s own tax ID or EIN. For other accounts, the custodianship account may remain under a separate EIN/tax ID until […]

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