How to Open a Bank Account for an LLC
Opening a bank account for an LLC (Limited Liability Company) requires that you first organize your documentation. You will need your company’s state certificate, your Limited Liability Company’s EIN Number, and information about the principal owners of the company (anyone with more than 20% ownership). Your bank may or may not also request your Articles of Organization.
These documents will be used to create a bank account that is linked not only to the business, but also its primary shareholders. If you have an LLC that is a single member LLC and that does not hire employees, you may be able to use your own SSN or ITIN rather than an EIN. But it’s a general best practice to get and use an EIN instead, to separate the business from yourself.
Once you have your documents, you can set up an account with a business representative at your local bank.
Obtaining an EIN for LLC can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but we are here to help you see it through successfully.